Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sideways MONSTERS!

Here in Sideways World Idgie & Banjo have not encountered the smoke monster. They have, however, come alarmingly face-to-face with the dreaded KUDZU monster. Kudzu is a well known destroying agent in the south that eats anything in it's path that stands still for more than a few moments. That frequently includes many of the local residents, many of whom have not moved in the past decade. Idgie & Banjo are safe, since they never stand still. The Kudzu monster was stranded on the island accidentally during an exhibition visit from Japan in the 1930's. As much as the island inhabitant wish it would leave, they simply cannot seem to get rid of it.

This morning we were startled by this lump of Kudzu as we turned the corner on a trail we had not yet taken. We averted our eyes and walked quickly past.  We were saddened to think of who or what was under the amorphous pile of Kudzu. Perhaps some of our walking buddies from last season? It is a well-known fact that Kudzu pretends to be inocuous flora as long as there is movement about, but attacks quickly if the unsuspecting passer-by decides to idle for very long.

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