Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 3: WHY??

Why do we return to this task every day, maybe we could just go just once a week?

We went to see what the shadowy green object on the other side of the inlet was today, as we crushed through the plastic bottles, and under the tree limb,a grass path was soon revealed,had this been made by the Others?

It was indeed a more pleasant path, with grass on either side , strolling in the sunlight, we saw a large green trash bin. We walked a little further along the path which then comes up to the train track . So up the hill we went to go home.

But of course, the distinction between one side and the other is never clear-cut,it seems almost certain that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. A train track? Perhsps it is your ticket off the island?
