Monday, October 25, 2010

Chip Hunters

Twix and Idgie hunting those Chips down

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Water Bottles & our Dogs

Water Bottles & our Dogs

Week 2 - Walkabout

We are here in the reservation, walking our dogs , we had made this discovery, a beautiful grass path along the waters edge, about one mile.

We follow the path & train track to the end of the line . There is a station depot, a place for the small trains used at the Turtle Back Zoo to be housed.

Along the way, we are attacked by a charging polar bear, oh oh! Only ,it is a pile of twigs and branches that has been made into a shelter by the others.

Jane & Chris head back to the inlet,the sudden change in temperature and onset of turbulence, is very different today.

A tad cold!

Back at the project, the wind has carried all this extra debris in, the bags we left filled have fallen and spilled their contents, we really have no energy today to pick up.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sideways MONSTERS!

Here in Sideways World Idgie & Banjo have not encountered the smoke monster. They have, however, come alarmingly face-to-face with the dreaded KUDZU monster. Kudzu is a well known destroying agent in the south that eats anything in it's path that stands still for more than a few moments. That frequently includes many of the local residents, many of whom have not moved in the past decade. Idgie & Banjo are safe, since they never stand still. The Kudzu monster was stranded on the island accidentally during an exhibition visit from Japan in the 1930's. As much as the island inhabitant wish it would leave, they simply cannot seem to get rid of it.

This morning we were startled by this lump of Kudzu as we turned the corner on a trail we had not yet taken. We averted our eyes and walked quickly past.  We were saddened to think of who or what was under the amorphous pile of Kudzu. Perhaps some of our walking buddies from last season? It is a well-known fact that Kudzu pretends to be inocuous flora as long as there is movement about, but attacks quickly if the unsuspecting passer-by decides to idle for very long.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 3: WHY??

Why do we return to this task every day, maybe we could just go just once a week?

We went to see what the shadowy green object on the other side of the inlet was today, as we crushed through the plastic bottles, and under the tree limb,a grass path was soon revealed,had this been made by the Others?

It was indeed a more pleasant path, with grass on either side , strolling in the sunlight, we saw a large green trash bin. We walked a little further along the path which then comes up to the train track . So up the hill we went to go home.

But of course, the distinction between one side and the other is never clear-cut,it seems almost certain that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Have a great weekend.

Esther, Idgie, and Banjo in SIDEWAYS WORLD

Unaware that their lives are continuing in a parallel trajectory to their Northern counterparts, Banjo & Idgie eagerly scout the lake to police for flotsam and jetsam. Here is not the garbage pile encountered by Jane and Chris. A pristine lake with scenic mountains as far as the eye can see means that they do not have to don rubber gloves and tote huge garbage bags just to find an idyllic place to swim. What different twist has reality taken to bring them to this paradise? What can Jane and Chris (and Tessa, Twix, and Mollie) do to achieve this state of nirvana?

Stay tuned

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No I'm not fishing

Day 2 - hot and humid.

We are not sure but Esther may have been kidnapped by the Others, who wanted to take her dogs.
The problem being is she has left while we were not watching her , so we feel no need to attempt a rescue.Yet!

Started working on collecting all the old discarded items washed up on the side of the water, while the dogs had a great time with all those tennis balls we found.

How did we become members of this Jecharma project we asked , and then shared our weird dreams from the night before, Chris, had persuaded his friend to give his thumbs to another in a scene at the hospital, while Jane's dream was flashing images of characters from LOST in a flash sideways is it purgatory!

Beware of over using to much bug spray while working outdoors damp; drink plenty of clean drinking water.

Does everything happen for a reason?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 1

The Jecharma Initiative Project, also simply known as "the Project"..

Details about the group are a little sketchy. But it's pretty clear that members of the JECHARMA Initiative -- or perhaps this group of its test subjects -- have made a habit of walking their dogs in the woods.The woods are open to groups, known as the Others. For whatever reason, not one of us has thought to ask the Others who they are or what they want.We are not a secretive organization, but the others have left lots of evidence of their activities, it has poluted an inlet with trash and appears not to give a damm!

Todays haul 2 garbage bags full of plastic - 1 wood pile - clutch of tennis balls....